Key Verse: Luke 23:32
Jesus was crucified between two thieves who represented different destinies. One died forgiven from sin and went to Paradise; one died in sin and was lost.
I. Jesus Died For Our Sin
Genesis 3:15
A. The Lamb of God Slain
John 1:29
The justice of God demanded the penalty due for sin. His justice could ask for no less. Over the centuries since sin had entered the world, many lambs had been slain on altars in Israel. They were only promissory notes on the debt of sin. Then the Lamb of God arrived in this world and was slain for the sins of all mankind.
B. The Price of Sin Paid
Book of Ruth
Jesus Christ became the kinsman redeemer of the world. He was a kinsman, a child born of Mary. He had the flesh and blood of the entire human race, but He was more than flesh and blood. He was the Perfect, Spotless Lamb of God. He was without sin and therefore able to pay the price for sin. And, finally, he was willing to redeem humankind. He climbed Golgotha to die on the cross in our stead - and, willingly, He paid sin's price.
II. A Thief Dying in Sin
Hebrews 9:7
A. Alive but Spiritually Dead
Luke 23:39
Physical life and spiritual life are not the same. One can be alive physically and be spiritually dead. It is also possible for one to be an inch away from death physically and be in great spiritual health.
B. Dying in the Presence of the Lamb of God.
C. The Destiny of the Lost is Hell.
Hell is the destiny of the lost. It is where they go when their life ends. It is their final destination. Moreover, hell is as eternal as heaven.
The unforgiven thief hung on the cross an inch from heaven, but also an inch from hell. He chose the latter.
III. A Thief Forgiven From Sin.
A. Discriminating Judgment of Self.
B. Seeing the Lord Correctly.
Luke 23:43
2 Corinthians 5:8
There is a finality to death. There are no visitor passes to either heaven or hell. It is therefore absolutely critical that we make the right choices before we die.
D. Heaven is the Destiny of the Saved Soul.
John 14:2
Two criminals were crucified the same night Jesus was. One chose to reject Christ and will be lost for eternity. The other placed his faith in Christ and upon his death went to Paradise.
Which Destiny Will You Choose?