1 Corinthians 15: 32-34
A. Definitions.
1. Communications - does not refer to type of speech; it is in reference to companions, company, crowd, gang, bunch. Coupled with the word evil it simply means evil company, crowd, gang, or bunch.
2. Manners - does not mean etiquette; it refers to moral habits or moral behavior; accustomed seat, custom, morals, or character.
I. Protecting Your Name and Reputation.
A. We must protect our name. (Proverbs 22:1; Eccl. 7:1)
B. We must protect our reputation. (Eccl. 10:1)
C. Two areas that we must protect are our name and reputation.
1. In the church.
2. In the world. (1 Timothy 3)
D. Reputations and names are built gradually.
II. Areas of Life that Influence Us.
A. The things that you see. (Psalm 101:3)
B. The things that you hear. (Revelation 2, 3)
C. The things that you think. (Philippians 4:8-9)
D. The things that you read. (Psalm 1: 1-4)
E. The company that you keep. (1 Corinthians 15:33)
III. The Importance of Appropriate Associates.
A. One of the greatest areas of influence are our associates.
B. The scripture declares that those we associate with will influence us. (Proverbs 13:20)
C. Examples of effect of our associates.
1. The effect that Sodom had on Lot's family. (Gen. 13-19)
2. The effect that Delilah had on Samson. (Judges 13-16)
3. The effect that Jonadab had on Amnon. (2 Samuel 13:1-3)
4. The effect that Solomon's wives had on him. (Nehemiah 13:26)
5. The effect that Jesus' enemies had on Judas. (Luke 22:1-6)
We must be careful of the company we that we keep or we will join this list of casualties!
IV. The Importance of Separation.
A. One of the age-old remedies to stop the spread of disease has been quarantine.
B. Spiritual quarantine.
1. Must be self-imposed.
2. We must choose not to be associated with some things and some people.
C. The Scripture gives several examples:
1. Israel did not purify Canaan; the Canaanites corrupted Israel.
2. The Moabites cause Israel to go after the strange gods.
D. The Scripture commands that we separate ourselves.
1. 1 Corinthians 6:15-17
2. 2 Thes. 3:14-15
3. Acts 4:23
4. James 4:4
E. Things to consider about your associates.
1. Separation is a choice.
2. An ungodly crowd can corrupt good character.
3. You must decide and define, for yourself, who and what you want to be.
4. You express that decision by those you associate with.
5. Your external destiny is at stake.
V. Areas of Life that Will Affect Us the Most.
A. First area that will affect us - our parents.
B. Second area that will affect us - who we date.
C. Third area that will affect us - who we marry.
D. Fourth area that will affect us - who we socialize with.
E. Fifth area that will affect us - our church life.
A. All through life you will have to make the right choice.
B. Ethics, principles, good character, and a good reputation are hard work.
C. Be dependable, true, faithful, and loyal. And most important, "Be not deceived."